Identifying End User Data Requirements for the ProSUM Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform

The ProSUM project will build an EU Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform (EU-UMKDP) to provide access to data collated on secondary raw materials in the urban mine, particularly Critical Raw Materials (CRMs). An Information Network (IN) has been established to allow partners in the network to provide and use data in an inventory for those waste streams with a high potential to serve as a source of CRMs. Members and potential members of the Information Network are being consulted to establish what data and intelligence they would want to have access to and how they would like to see it presented.

The diagram below represents a simple flow of waste materials through one part of the value chain and the data that can be associated with this material flow. By interrogating the Knowledge Platform, the aim is that end users should be able to extract useful information on secondary raw materials.

ProSUM diagram

We envisage that the questionnaire will take you no longer than 30 minutes to complete.